Saturday, August 17, 2013

Calm Before the Storm

This was a rough week.  Between getting 11 assignment in (Still working on numbers 10 and 11 but had to take a break!), going on a community walk with two ill-mannered colleagues, and dealing with the anticipation of what the next couple weeks will bring, it was a lot.  Ironically, these last six weeks will pale in comparison to the coming year.  Going forward it's 4-5 classes a semester, plus being at the school 4 days a week, from 7:30-5 or later.  We will come together as a cohort on Fridays for classes and to exchanged stories from our school sites.  I am going to miss seeing everyone in CH043 every day.   I have made what I am certain are, some life-long friends.  I have learned an amazing amount in the short time I have been in classes with these individuals and feel I was blessed with the best cohort this year.  We finally got to have a social moment on Thursday and our Social Justice professor joined us.  He did some freestyle that was fabulous.  I'm going to miss that class the most I think, even though the book (Lipman) make me want to punch a wall sometimes.  It definitely made me think!

So, the reality of the situation is, nothing is a surprise.  AUSL is extremely clear about the demands and expectations for work and professionalism.  However, it seems some people didn't get that memo.  I am sure they will get an extra special memo shortly.

I was able to go on a second community walk with some of my awesome co-residents Friday.  We got to chat with the Assistant Principal and say hello to the Principal.  She was on back to back to back conference calls so we didn't want to interrupt.  Ironically, a year ago I was on those conference calls getting ready to help open a school.  What a difference a year makes!

The school (Johnson School of Excellence) is awesome, pre-k through 1st in a smaller building next door and 2-8 in the main building.  The smaller building is  great, with each classroom a different theme.  One classroom was "Harold and the Purple Crayon" and Another was "Oh the Places You'll Go".  I loved it.  Also there will be a clinic going in the building for student, community and staff use!  Very exciting!  The main building also houses the specials (gym, music, library, art) and in the hall of each floor is a very civilized shared space with couches and tables and chairs that look like they are out of a Pottery Barn catalogue.  Very college-like which is smart and I love!  It is an area for students to do group work, or do work for a pull out with a teacher or tutor.

As I start to gear up and "become a teacher" I am learning as much being outside the classroom as I am in.  This weekend alone I had several situations that made me chuckle, and also made it all click.  Let me preface by saying, the last 5 years or so, I have been increasingly more and more of an advocate for teachers.  In my prior life, I too believed it was a "cushy" job with "easy" hours and no take home work.  Sweet mother of god was I wrong.  So I have posted and defended my teacher friends and family, wondering how they don't get SO angry, I mean, all the ignorant people that share negative sentiments about teachers!  So quickly they forget, they had teachers who got them to where they are today!

First scenario
Cashier at Grocery to me:  How's the weather outside, are you enjoying it?
Me: "it is nice, but I am going back to study inside"
Cashier: "what are you studying?"
Me:  "I am going back to school to be a teacher"
and then, there it was....
Cashier: "Oh that's so great, I would love those hours, and summers off, you're smart girl.."

Second scenario:
Dry cleaner to me:  "make sure you enjoy the weather"
Me: "I'd love to but headed to the library to hit the books"
Dry cleaner: "what are you studying?"
Me: "I'm studying to become an Urban educator"
Dry cleaner: "Oh, a teacher?  That's so sweet..."

Third scenario:
Friend of a friend at dinner:  "oh I was teacher, then I went to law school and now I'm a lawyer"
Me:  That's great.  I am in a program that..(get's cut off)
Friend of friend: "so we were on this big trial and...."

Sweet?  Love those hours?  Summers off?  I thought this would make me so much more angry than it did but then it clicked.  I get it.  My reward is in the commodity which I will harvest which is great young minds!  Teaching a child how to read or develop a love for math is so much more rewarding than getting some dirtbag off in court, or making a huge spread on a trade.  I don't even CARE what people think!  Other people talk about their work, and their travels and the money they make, or the rewards they reap so they can feel good about themselves.  I get it.  I did it.  But getting to see children develop and grow before your eyes, and knowing YOU contributed to that growth, well I will take that any day over a $50,000 bonus.

Some of you may want to call my bluff on that last statement.
But you can't.
Because I already did it.

Good luck to all my teacher friends and family as you head back into the trenches this week.  I know you are as excited as I am!!

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