It's Thanksgiving! On top of everything else to be thankful for, 5 amazing days off! Of course, with 3 weeks left in the NLU semester, and lead teach in the next 2 weeks, "days off" is a loose term. But none the less, no 4:45am wake ups, 1 glass of wine limits, and yoga pants prevail! Since we were in class last Friday, and Monday and Tuesday we had an AUSL cycle pullout, we have been away from the students for almost a week already. I can say with a pure heart, I miss the hell out of my babies! So, the following is a summary of what I am thankful for, since the season upon us:
I am thankful that I didn't wait another year, month or day to begin this career. I have said it before, but easily the most challenging yet rewarding work I have ever done.
I am thankful for 28 amazing 8th grade babies and 27 inspiring 7th grade darlings who challenge me to be a better more reflective teacher, mentor and person everyday.
I am thankful for AUSL, all the good, bad and ugly :) I don't understand everything or why it's happening all the time, but I have committed to trust the process. And I do.
I am thankful for Cohort 043....and not only the remaining 20, but every person who was a part of 43! They give me courage and energy each week when we converge on NLU for class.
I am thankful for some amazing professors whose passion for the subject, be it Literacy or Social Justice inspire me more each week (and add to my "books to be read" list!)
I am thankful for my MRC (that's Mentor Resident Coach), Tamiko. She challenges me and does things I don't understand, but so far, the less I question and just do, the better I become! She works harder than almost anyone I know.
I am thankful for my Mentor, Keviyona Ray. We have had awesome battles and been able to hug it out in the end. The only person who loves our kids more than me is her. I am learning to work hard, love hard and start each day fresh by watch and working with her. I am so grateful.
I am thankful for my education mentor and friend, Femi Skanes. A principal, mother of 2, newlywed and new homeowner, she knows exactly when to make time for me to talk. I appreciate it more than you know!
I am thankful for my old OSI peeps, Kelly, Gavin, Randel, SuePo, Gwyn, Jessica, Alfonso, Ellen, Maurice....your check-ins mean so much, even if just by text. Your continued work and dedication to our broken, but on the mend district inspires me to work harder, so we can give our City's children their birthright of a great education.
I am thankful for my friends and family...their patience and understanding has been selfless. Marni, Colleen, Kristen, Liz B, Christina, my mom, my brother I would be broken without you.
Last, I am thankful for my Nugget, Noah. His smile and innocent giggle reminds me everyday how important the work we do is for our kids. I wouldn't want anything less for my nephew.
Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this journey!!!!
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