Friday, January 3, 2014

Six months down. Six to go....

I had every intention of writing before I started break.  And then, once break started, and then while I was in Florida.  However, to put it mildly, I needed some down time like a car on empty needs gas.  I quite possibly broke world records for sleeping over a two week period, and possibly, wine consumed.  But alas, I am back and fidgety and ready to get back to it.  I miss my kids and my mentor!

This year has been so amazing, I went from working in a high school in an administrative position, to starting grad school and becoming a resident teacher.  Talk about a role change!  I am going to focus on the last six months as I have learned ALOT in that small span of time!  So here's my top 10 for the last six months of 2013:

10. I learned even though I prepared everyone for my massive absence as I would be studying and working all the time, 24 hours in a day are just not enough;

9.  I learned I can learn a lot from colleagues 18 years my junior.  Their life experiences have been different than mine and listening to their lessons learned can help me avoid having to learn an unnecessary lesson;

8.  I learned even though my friends know I am a crazed work-a-holic, some still believe this career change was so I could "slow down" (darling but ignorant I call them);

7.  I learned to remove people from my life that do not add value;

6.  I learned it's ok to say no, and not apologize for it;

5.  I learned its ok to be a total school nerd because in the end, what I get out of this experience is all that matters, not what others did;

4.  I learned I have some amazing friends and support, and while they may not be family or the people I thought should be there, they are there and they are awesome (you know who you are!)

3. I learned to "trust the process" and recognized I will continue to be told to "trust the process", even though I already do...;

2. I learned things I will do and not do as an administrator when that day comes;

and finally,

1. For the first time in my life, I learned, or rather, recognized and accepted the fact that as emotional as I am, I am a force to be reckoned with and my tears should not be mistaken for weakness nor should my kindness be mistaken for naivete ...maybe this is a lesson others learned about me as well.

Thanks for following my journey and all your support!

Happy New Year!!