Saturday, July 27, 2013

Learning about Learning

Week three down.  It feels like 3 months.... Not in a bad way, it's just been REALLY intense!  Sleep has become a novelty and of course, I hurt my back this week.  I thought I was "super strong" girl and moved my bed.  Oh well, here's hoping the pills and heating pad do the trick!  Funny, one of my friend said mid-week, "You have to go to the doctor today!"  To which I replied, "Only if I won't miss class". Seriously, missing one class is like missing a week.  No thanks.

I started my week by breezing into class at 8:30 like I normally do and set down my stuff to run upstairs and get my shoes ( I have a locker, isn't that fun!)  All of the sudden, one of my classmates, Chasity, come running after me.."did you know the zipper on your dress is undone all the way down your back".  No.  No I did not know that.  (This woman has the most amazing knack for style by the way)  So she follows me into the bathroom and of course, my cheap little zipper had broke!  I took it in stride, I mean, what can I do?  So after trying to fuss with it, she stapled me into my dress (I carry a little stapler with me...laugh at me now!)  and then at lunch some of the girls got me a bunch of safety pins and we converted the staples to pins.  Team work!  I'm lucky to have great classmates/coworkers.  On the way home I had to stop at friends house to unpin me so I could get out of  my dress when I got home.  If you know me, you are not surprised by this day's events I am sure!

We have gotten into the meat of all our classes.  Social Justice class is interesting and our professor is brilliant.  One of the texts we are reading is Pauline Lipman"s "The New Political Economy of Urban Education".  She REALLY does not like AUSL or turnaround.  Interesting that we are reading her work.  The contra view is always an interesting way to look at things.  I was however, taken back by some of her "untruths" she states in the book.  She shares a lot of information about Ren2010 and Turnaround, including Fenger and then mentions Derrion Albert.   If you live in or around Chicago, and unless you live under a rock, you recall this horrific story about the young boy who was beat to death during a dispute gone violent gone bad on his walk home.  It was awful.  But as I read Lipman state, "The story [of Derrion Albert] epitomizes the nexus of African American dispossession in which this policy is complicit.".  She basically blames turnaround for his murder.  She further states, " ...[Fenger] opened in 2009 with a Principal and Staff who...lacked the moral authority to defuse conflicts and mentor students". I REALLY struggle with this.  I find this statement insanely ignorant and biased.  So I went back, and talked with friends and mentors who worked at Fenger and some who had Albert as a student.  The FACT of the matter was, the "Ville" and Altgeld Garden students had feuded for a long time.  Furthermore, due to restorative justice practices that were now being implemented in the school, student were learning how to deal with conflict.  I reached out to Dr. Fraynd who was the Executive Director of the Office of School Improvement back when this all went down and asked for his perspective.  He promptly responded, and shared the fact that, although folks such as Lipman would like to blame turnaround for many negative things, in study, it has been proven to not be the case.  Fact, the CCSR (The Consortium on Chicago School Research) did a study and found there is no negative impact on students when they are displaced or a school get turned around.  You can read the study for youself if you interested:

Anyway, in Tech in education class this week our professor was on vacation, so we had "online" assignments.  You know, like it was planned and good for us.  Honestly, while I did learn how to make a Prezi, and a voice thread, and learned all about Copyright and fair use and TPACK (technological, pedagogical and content knowledge) I basically taught myself this week.  Considering the amount we pay per class, I found this to be weak at best for an excuse for teaching.  You can say what you like, but when you peace out for a week and throw some hard assignments up on the website and say "good luck" I have to question your teaching method.  The time it took to figure out how to do things could have been modeled in class in 15 minutes and helped alleviate all the time it took us to figure it out on our own.  I mean, this is the same class we learned Gagne's 9 steps of instruction.  Where's the guided learning in this week's tasks?

Educational Psychology continues to be a beast.  It is interesting but so much info at one time.  This weekend I am tasked with creating a lesson plan for adults on Metacognition.  You know, thinking about thinking.   We are supposed to work a a group but that's not happening....

In literacy we are tasked with picking  out a multicultural children's book and then sharing out our finding in a report style for the prof.  I chose, "Heart and Soul" by Kadir Nelson.  Absolutely brilliant.  If you have kids I strongly recommend using this book as an at home supplement to their history education.  Geared towards kids aged 9-12.

My field study is going well.  My topic is the difference in roles, responsibilities and perceptions of Urban vs Suburban teachers.  I am in the research stage but so far the feedback from interviews and surveys is fascinating.  Happy to share when I am done!

This week I will find out my Residency school, where I will spend the next year of my residency teaching and who my mentor resident coach will be.  It's very exciting.  I am nervous, excited and scared all at the same time.

Thanks for all the feedback so far.  I appreciate the support during this journey!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

She could be my future student....

I've always been overwhelmed as I am sure most are, when I hear about a child's life ending too soon.  I think about the love of my life, my Nephew, and I get choked up thinking about how I, or my brother, sister-in-law and the rest of the family would go on another day.  Yet every weekend, like clockwork, you can bring up the Tribune news page and see the headlines "_# of teens shot over the weekend in Chicago...".  And then, it seems, every couple months now, a shooting happens that shakes us to our core.  This weekend, it was a 6 year old girl, innocently riding her scooter, who got caught in some bullshit gang crossfire.  I cried as I read the article.  Her parents, siblings, aunts and uncles devastated and her young life changed as she knew it, in the blink of an eye. (she is in critical condition as of this blog posting)

As I traveled down to the loop this morning to study at school, the Trayvon Martin rally was beginning to organize.  I got chills as I walked by and shot a thumbs up at a couple people.  And again, was reminded of another life, this one lost too early, due to ignorance and hate.

I don't mean to get super philosophical here, but I have to question, what are we doing to stop these tragedies at the ground level, meaning, what are we doing to educate our youth so they grow to understand it is not okay to kill...ever. for any reason...especially hate.

Children today, from age 2 in some instances, spend more awake time with teachers and at school than with their families.  My nephew just started "School" (he is 2 but that's what they call it now!)  and he is there some days 8+ hours.  That's the most concentrated time (aside from the weekend) that he spends with anyone. He has been there less than a month and is already saying "no no no" which, he never said before.  He picked it up from some of the other children and like that, it's in his vocabulary. What are the adults thoughts and beliefs with whom he spends all this time?  Do they believe the "stand your ground" law is legitimate or fu$%ing ridiculous??  Are they able to detect children who have racist tendencies and nip them in the bud?

If you haven't seen the Kids response to the controversial Cheerios commercial, I recommend watching it.  Here's the link:  Brilliant.  And yet, at some point, will some of their opinions change, and if so...why???

How are we educating our educators so they can lay the groundwork for peace?  Are we teaching them to have the hard, uncomfortable conversations about race?  Do we work these conversations into our classrooms and lessons?

In one of my classes this week, we read a letter from Booker T Washington and then an almost contra viewpoint from “The Souls of Black Folk,” by W. E. B. Du Bois.  There was a lot in the letters/speeches that made me think, but this paragraph stuck out as it could have been written today:

“It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness — an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.”

It also made me sad.  Have we really not moved beyond since the 1900's?

In our interview sessions in OSI we had prospective teacher candidates read an article by Dr. Charles Payne, "Still Crazy After All These Years".  We then conduct an open dialogue and, for real, some candidates say, " well, I am color blind, I don't see black or white."  That's like saying I don't see the money tree in the yard, I am happy with my life as it is.  That's crap.  You can't understand it if you "claim" you don't see it and you certainly can't benefit from it or help others if you ignore it.  What are you going to say when a child asks you a question such as, "why don't white people live in our neighborhood", or, "my mom says the southside of the city is bad because its where all the gangbangers live..."( two true questions from children)  Do you use that as a teachable moment, or mumble some bullshit to skirt around it because you yourself, are not educated enough on the subject to discuss?

A colleague in another cohort posted a recommended reading the other day entitled, "Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation"edited by Karen L. Dace.  Here's a quick description, though not complete:

"Unlikely Allies in the Academy brings the voices of women of Color and White women together for much-overdue conversations about race. These well-known contributors use narrative to expose their stories, which are at times messy and always candid. However, the contributors work through the discomfort, confusion, and frustration in order to have honest conversations about race and racism."

I bought the book and will let you know how it is.

My heart goes out to Trayvon's parents as they fight to effect change and in that effort, are reminded every single day of their precious baby boy's young life lost.  and...if you are a religious person, please keep the young girl who was shot in your prayers.  She could be my future student and I want to meet her.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Technology, technology, technology!!!

YES, I still buy hard copies of my books.  YES, this makes my backpack extremely heavy and bulky.  and...YES I have Kindle Cloud Reader.  Sigh.  Just give me a MINUTE to catch up, ok?

Don't get me wrong, I am LOVING all the new technology:  Google groups, Kindle reader, Chromebook, d2L (desire to learn online site), schoolology, dropbox, Wevideo,....etc.  However, I have SIX classes.  1,2,3,4,5,6!  In addition to 6 classes, I have a meeting 3 days a week with my AUSL   MRCs (Mentor resident coaches) called Teacher moves.  They say, for every hour of class, we should expect around 2-3 hours of homework. 25 hours of class x 3 hours per hour = 75 hours a week.  SEVENTY-FIVE!  I am relearning the art of skimming.

So what does my course load look like you might ask?  Well, I have a Social Justice class with a bad ass professor who keeps it real.  I could listen to him talk for hours.  We are reading a text by Pauline Lipman called "The New Political Economy of Urban Education".  It really digs deep into neoliberalism, race and education.  Class discussions are still polite, but I can guess this will be my most   fascinating class for debate.  Ironically, she completely dismisses turnaround, which is reason we are in this program.  I love the contra point of views.  Then there's an Educational psychology class you know, Piaget and Vygotsky.  Ironically, fascinating as well. Literacy for k-4 with a prof named Sunshine.  You really just have to smile when you walk in her class.  Technology in education with ironically a professor who does Ironman races.  He's fabulous as well.  His class has us immediately pushing our comfort levels with technology - video blogs due each week.  Special education is an online class but we met once to meet the professor.  She is a 25+ year veteran of CPS then moved on to teach at University level.  It is fascinating to find out I am walking around using terminology that is extremely offensive to people living with disabilities.  The terminology has changed. People first is the message.  I encourage everyone to educate themselves on proper language, particularly if you have children.  You are their window to the world.  Last, our Resident teacher practicum.  This is kind of like a capstone class but taken all year.  It too is awesome as it wraps everything together and answers administrative or logistical questions about NLU/AUSL we may have.  3 days a week we have Teacher moves and discuss the brilliant Charlotte Danielson (teaching for learning framework for my CPS peeps) and Lemov's "Teach Like a Champion".  We role play, discuss, design.  It's brilliant.   I was never this engaged while pursuing my MBA.

My cohort is amazing.  We are all ELE MAT which is Elementary Masters of Arts in Teaching.  There are also high school cohorts for MAT and Ele and HS cohorts for the MEd program.  There are 28 of us.  All bringing something awesome to the table.  Different races, sexes, work experience, backgrounds...etc.  Finance people (like me), waitresses, tutors, journalists, biochemical engineers, charter school teachers (uncertified), dancers.   There's this one girl, Jahnna.  She's is freaking brilliant.  She was an attorney in her prior life.  I think she told me she passed like 5 state bars.  Anyway, she has read every non-fiction book known to man.  Every book.  When she raises her hand to contribute, it's always something incredibly relevant and interesting.  While in our Social Justice class this week we were discussing neoliberalism and the effects on urban society and education.  She straight faced looked at me and said, "you know, communism is great, if you just take away the people."  I almost peed myself.  Fabulous.

We are all getting used to each other, our ticks, agendas, passions.  Its not like we have a ton of time to socialize, class is 9-11:30, lunch 11:30 -12:30 (during which time you must eat, get anything printed you need printed since the library doesn't open until 9, and potty break), class 12:30-3 and then T-TH Teacher moves from 3:15 - 4:30pm.  On Tuesdays and Fridays, we have the 12:30-3pm slot as open study which is really for the online Special ed course "class time" which then brings with it the additional hours of work.  I started a Google group last night because, well, because you know me.  We are going to be spending a lot of time together so might as well have the ability to communicate when we need each other, right?  (also I secretly was excited to get everyone I would need to communicate with on the google group and off the FB site)  Plus, some people just don't have Facebook so the group is exclusive.  Another girl Erin has written down all of our assignments in a neat calendar and another gal, Elaine, already suggested we exchange phone numbers and birthdays. (so I created a spreadsheet for that)

I am busy and tired but have never been so engaged in my life.  We were charged with writing our "Educational Philosophy" this week.  I know it's a living document and will change as I do over the next year and years to come, but here it is as of today. Thanks and props to Marni Levinson, Femi Spearman and Don Fraynd for things you all have shared with me over the last 5 years have been stored in my brain waiting to come out in this paper.

I decided to change careers and pursue teaching so that I may change lives for the better.  I believe that at times, I may be a small component of that change, and other times, I may be the driving force.  At my core, I hope and trust a teacher has chosen the profession because s/he has a calling to educate our youth.  We must educate not only in the classroom, but outside of it as well; to turn our lives over to education, knowing the rewards will many times be successes students have as adults,  and we will never see.
I believe all children inherently can and want to learn.  It is our job and our responsibility to find a way to engage students so that they are open to receive instruction. One way that I hope to engage kids is through technology.  In the 21st century, technology is a large contributor to engagement and proper preparation of our students.  As teachers we must work to stay one step ahead in technology through professional development, research, mentorships, and collegial observations.  This will allow us the best and most effective methods for delivering instruction.
Also, I believe students learn best in an environment they find safe, which takes on many meanings.  It is our role as teachers to provide this environment and to remove or add anything that is detracting from this desired setting.
Finally, I believe feedback from mentors, peers and students is the best tool for perfecting the craft of teaching.  We as teachers must be open to receive feedback and remember that it is not about us, but about the students. 
Most importantly, I believe we must see promise in EVERY student, even when they cannot see it in themselves.

Friday, July 5, 2013

It's about the kids

Best piece of advice, so far: "Listen with the possibility you will be changed, and Speak, with the possibility you will be heard." If I ever get another tattoo, I believe it will say that.  3 days of orientation down.  Class begins Monday.  So I'm sure you're thinking, "nice, you have the weekend off and then can get to it."  HA!  Not exactly.... In the proverbial words of Martin Lawrence Circa Bad Boys 2, 2003, "Shit just got real".

So let's see, in a week (rather 3 days)  I have received a new computer that will be my bible (Chromebook), 2 new email accounts, one for AUSL and one for NLU, but, pay attention, the NLU one should be pushed to the AUSL one so I only have to check one email, however BOTH Should be on my phone in case one goes down. We check our My AUSL page daily, Google chats, groups in the Teaching Channel and oh yeah, that damn Facebook Page.  I am technologically overwhelmed but diving in!

So we are a google organization as I have recently learned.  I'm down with that.  I mean, 7 out of 8 top Ivy League schools are Google (apparently Dartmouth is the hold out) and 27 or some ridiculous number of the top 50 are as well.  CPS went Google last year so all in all, it's a good move for AUSL.

We had a tech session on our last day of orientation.  The woman who manages this section (called like a google superwoman or champion or something like that) is a riot.  Honestly, I feel relieved to have this time to fumble through new technology so when I get in front of the kids I can be an asset to the kids.  It's all about the kids, ALL THE TIME.

We got to meet and hear from the founder of AUSL, Michael Koldyke, I believe he also founded the Golden Apple.  He was truly inspiring.  Also, the cutest little old man, I wanted to put him in my pocket.
We also met Michael Whitmore, he runs the residency.  He talked about "Transformational Teaching" which is the name of the game when your kids in 9th grade read at a 4th grade level.  He also shared the following which I knew, but still SUPER disturbing to see again in print:

Nationally for every 100 9th graders
65 graduate High School
37 enter College
24 are still enrolled sophomore year
12 graduate with a degree in six years

That's not okay.  

He also shared some AUSL statistics - for one elementary school, in 2005, they were at 26% for m/e ISAT.  AUSL came in 2006.  In 2012 they were at 82%.  There are multiple examples of this in the network of AUSL schools.  I'm in.  If I can even remotely contribute to increasing the number above I am in.  Give me the kool-aid.

Going back to it all being about the kids, we had the pleasure of also meeting and listening to Dr. Donald Feinstein He's the Executive Director of AUSL.  He broke it down into 3 very simple facts.  How do you help kids... how do you become a  Transformational Teacher?  AIM high:

Attitude (attitude drives behavior)
Instructional Strategies 
Management (you cannot teach in Chaos)

So simple to understand, yet so few accomplish, or maybe they do not attempt to?

We went into sessions with the MRC's (mentor resident coaches)  They are people who have taught and now are teaching coaches.  We will all be paired up with one.   Extraordinary people.  I am excited to see who I get paired up with and what school I am working in. (August 19th I start in a school in addition to the full time graduate work)  They do active coaching while we are in the classroom with them, and when I say active, I mean ACTIVE.  Several ways they may do this- From the sidelines, meaning hold up a sign or slip you a note, even possibly from a blue tooth, Shoulder to Shoulder, meaning being up there with you in the lesson, Huddle, pull you off to the side, Interrupt, so just plain hollering out in the moment, or Pull the Plug, you know, take the boat back because you're sinking.  

Some of the sessions we had with the mentors were: 100% - how you must ALWAYS have 100% attention of your students to be an effective teacher.  (and how to do this!); Gregoric- we learned our "learning style" I am, no surprise, a hard Concrete Sequential, which pretty much means I need order and a process and have a low tolerance for stupidity; and then of course, the Danielson model aka "Teaching for Learning framework".  I am not going to lie, I LOVE Charlotte Danielson.  If you don't who she is, you should.  She is an internationally-recognized expert in the area of everything teaching and has advised State education departments, and National education Ministries and Department of Education.  More on her and the framework later!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Holy crap, I'm a full-time graduate student!

So, you know when you start something new - a job, class, training program...etc and it's the first day and there's tons of people around you who totally seem like they've known each other for years?  Yeah, that was my first day.  "Please arrive early for an 8:30am start" said the message on the Facebook message board (The FB message board is a WHOLE other topic!)  So of course, I got there a few minutes before 8.  Looked in the room, only a couple people so used the bathroom, got some water and headed in.  By 8:20 there were a reasonable amount of people in the room, probably around 80.  I swear, everyone seemed to know each other!  By 8:30 I was antsy so I introduced myself to the girl sitting to my left, "Hi, I'm Carrie, I'm in the MAT - ELE (Masters of Arts and Teaching Elementary) program."  Her response, "Hi I'm Moira".  End conversation.  Ok.  Then Big Tall White dude sits down to my right, again, "Hi I'm Carrie"  ( I decide not to over share this time)  His response, "Hi, I'm John".  End conversation.  Whatever.  Nothing was going to ruin this day for me.  As I had texted a friend earlier in the morning on the way there on the train, I felt like a kid at the first day of kindergarten.  I was so excited!

So now it's 9am and people are still walking in.  I'm pretty amazed as an 8:30 am start to me, means an 8:30am start.  These are going to be teachers people!!!  School starts at 8am.  You get there early...before the students.  Oh, and you dress appropriately.  So finally, sometime after 9am, we started.  Scott, the program director whom we had met at a previous orientation was the speaker.  He's a riot!  He started with a laundry list of things that need to be completed - get your TB test done, get finger printed...blah blah blah.  Again, stuff that should have been done by today, but whatever, that's just me.   Then he started to discuss school expectations.  Our program is a Cohort model.  This means I will be in classes and program meetings with the same group of 50+ people for an entire year.  Cool with me.  At least we all have the same expectations.  And here they were: (slightly paraphrased, but not much)

  • be on time, always.
  • don't miss classes.  ever.
  • If you get below a B, you should consider dropping out before we decide for you.
  • Dress professionally, always.
  • Be an over communicator (you know I love that one)
  • Don't be an Asshole.  
Ok, maybe he didn't say asshole, but man, that's what I heard!  He shared how there have been "cohort interventions" in the past.  People started rumors, or arguments that have lead to cohort drama.  Basically they talk out of their ass.  LOL, I could already tell you from listening to the conversations around me, and reading the FB group who those people were going to be.  Don't get me wrong, I am extremely aware I can be a pushy bitch, but I get shit done and keep my mouth shut when I don't know squat.   

The Facebook group- this was created so the administrators of AUSL could communicate with us quickly and easily, and push out information any time.  At least that's what I thought.  When I see there is a post there I assume it's something I will need to know - like last night's post telling us what room we were meeting in...helpful.  Even the gal who posted, "where's the cheapest parking?"  I could get on board with.  (I actually told her the Best Parking app.  It's delightful)  But the ranting and complaining about how we have to "dress professionally" and "who wants to be my tennis partner"  I could do without.  I get 20+ posts a day about random crap that does not pertain to me!  Haven't decided howI'm going to deal with that one yet....

Anyway,  we went to a cohort meeting and went over program info, classes, and of course, HOMEWORK!  Sweet mother of God, I am going to have reading to do!!!  13 textbooks to buy, and that doesn't include the information they push to us through our Chromebook. Marni Levinson, I am going roll right through that pack of highlighters you got me in this summer session!  15 semester credit hours in 6 weeks.  Ready...GO!

Then, of course, there was the continuation of "useless questions that just pertain to ME!".  I'm not the oldest person in the program, and clearly not the youngest.  But don't 20-somethings learn in undergrad how to hold questions that only pertain to them!  You know, like, "I just left California and had my teaching certificate with a middle school endorsement there, but then while I was in the traveling circus an elephant ate my cert...."  Probably only happen to you sweetheart.  No one else cares and you're wasting our time!!!  I got reading to do damn it!!! 13 books to be exact! Come on!  There's one guy that  asks a question with every new point made.  I'm pretty sure it's a nervous tick.  As luck would have it, he sat next to me at lunch.  Oh, and this was the best part.... we were sharing what we did prior to beginning the program.  One woman, Anita, very nice actually, shared she had worked in banking for 10 year, and then I shared I had as well for quite some time.  Well, then, gotta-share-for-every-new-point-made-guy said, "yeah, I worked the last 2 years as a teacher's aide. (was in college prior to that) the pay cut is going to be really rough for me but I am making some sacrifices to get through it".  Anita and I looked at each other.  Seriously?  I excused myself to go talk to my adviser.

All in all, I met some really great people on the first day, but not enough time to get to really know anyone yet.  After the initial large group meeting, people were friendly, nervous, and excited, just like me.  Hearing what others have done before making such a big career move was interesting and fun to discover.  I was actually surprised I was happy to see Golden Retriever Boy in my cohort. (Met him at orientation, he was so excited he almost peed himself)   

I realized as I sat on the train on the way in this morning and was almost brought to tears with excitement that I too, was as excited as a dog...but maybe a Labradoodle or a wee bit more chill breed.